Career Coaching

Thinking about making a job or career transition?

Coaching is the most powerful way to explore your life’s purpose, your values, your skills, and your passions to help you determine what is next for you. Through this process, we can work together to create a clear road map for where you want to go, how to make that change, uncover your next steps, and/or craft a new role or career that meets your needs—one where your heart and life can really sing.



Resume Support

Does your resume need some tweaking, strengthening, or a major overhaul? Are you struggling with what to include in that critical cover letter?

Having a partner to help with resume writing and revision or drafting the perfect cover letter can make all the difference in landing the job that you want. I specialize in helping individuals frame gaps in your work history, highlighting your skills and contributions even through major leaps in specialty or industries. But I also can help you with a major redo or crafting just the right message for potential employers.

Linkedin Coaching and Interview Prep


87% of jobs are not advertised, and 94% of recruiters use LinkedIn. Do you need to refresh your profile, bring your accomplishments and skills to life?

I can help you create or update your LinkedIn presence, grow your number of contacts, and make your profile most searchable so colleagues, connections, and recruiters will find you.

Has it been a long time since you have been in a job search? Need some help preparing for that interview?

Perhaps you are seeking the next level role and need some assistance with executive presence or preparation. Or you might want to refine your interview skills or thoughtfully prepare for an important interview. I work with clients to help them prepare to show up most authentically and positively, ready to communicate their strengths, passions, and strategies in an interview setting.


Speak with Kellie About Coaching Together

To get started, a good first step is to book a time for us to connect about coaching. In this free half-hour discussion, we can discuss how coaching works, talk about your initial goals, and determine if we might be a good fit! Or feel free to contact me with specific questions.